Press Releases
New report on Africa’s creative and cultural industries finds youth admire creatives, but they won’t spend on their work
Johannesburg, 8 September: Africa’s youth love local films and admire creatives, but they don’t read books by African authors for pleasure or spend on creative products, according to the newly launched Africa's Soft Power: Can Africa’s creativity transform the continent? report by Africa No Filter.
Africa No Filter launches The Last Mile Film Fund for African filmmakers
23 August, Dakar: In recognition of the power of film to change narratives, Africa No Filter has launched a fund that will provide grants to filmmakers in the final stages of production.
New handbook outlines how journalists can write about Africa beyond stereotypes
20 July 2022, Johannesburg: Narrative-change organization Africa No Filter is challenging stereotypical news about Africa with its latest handbook, Why Change the Way We Write About Africa?A storyteller’s guide to reframing Africa.
Africa No Filter Launches the Tony Elumelu Storytellers Fund to Empower Emerging African Creative Talent
- 30 June Lagos, Nigeria: Africa No Filter, a donor collaborative working to transform stereotypical narratives of Africa, has launched the Tony Elumelu Storytellers Fund.
Africa No Filter and Thomson Foundation partner to deliver a disruptive journalism course
10 May, Johannesburg: Narrative change organisation Africa No Filter has partnered with the Thomson Foundation for a groundbreaking digital course called African Stories: A guide for journalists on how to tell better stories about Africa.
Greta Thunberg speaks for Africa when it comes to climate. Where are Africa's voices?
21 April 2022, Cairo: Africa has become the face of the global climate crisis, yet Greta Thunberg has emerged as the continent’s leading voice of advocacy - even among African activists, according to the newly launched report, Climate Change in Africa: Are Africans sleepwalking to disaster?
Experts say this is how Africa can take ownership of its business narratives
Johannesburg, 28 March 2022 - “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will glorify the hunter. The same can be said about the media, ‘until the lions have their own journalists the news coverage of the hunt will glorify the hunter,” said Yasmin Kumi, award-winning entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Africa Foresight Group.
Africa No Filter and Meta announce the next generation of XR creators in Africa
14 March – Lagos, Nigeria: Africa No Filter and Meta today announced the next generation of Extended Reality (XR) creators in Africa with six recipients selected from the Future Africa: Telling Stories, Building Worlds program.