Our Newsletters

20 June 2023

ANF May 2023 Newsletter French

Découvrez si le concept d'une Afrique unie est une réalité ou un rêve, obtenez un financement pour produire des histoires passionnantes qui représentent mieux l'Afrique, et découvrez ce sur quoi travaillent nos nouveaux champions de la narration.

12 June 2023

ANF May 2023 Newsletter

Find out whether the idea of one Africa is a reality or a dream, get funded to produce exciting stories that represent Africa better, and find out what our newest narrative champions are working on.

16 May 2023

Media Newsletter – 16 May

Find out why newsletters and podcasts are becoming increasingly important for news organizations, and how you can take your media start-up to the next level.

5 May 2023

ANF April 2023 Newsletter

Find out which African city is the most culturally vibrant, join our movement for better representation of Africa and meet our latest narrative champions.

5 May 2023

ANF April 2023 Newsletter French

Découvrez quelle ville africaine est la plus dynamique sur le plan culturel, rejoignez notre mouvement pour une meilleure représentation de l'Afrique et rencontrez nos derniers champions narratifs.

25 April 2023

Media Newsletter - 18 April

Find out how you can rethink climate news and cover the United Nations General Assembly for 10 weeks.

11 April 2023

#ISeeMe or #ISeeMeNot

I’m Abimbola, Advocacy and Campaigns Lead at Africa No Filter and I need your help because we are on a mission to get #BetterRepresentation for Africa.

4 April 2023

Media Newsletter - 21 March

Find out how you can keep audiences interested in news, apply for a career-defining opportunity from National Geographic and meet a Kenyan jeweler who repurposes cattle horn luxury accessories.