WE!ARE Climate Justice Campaign
Play your part in creating a narrative for 'the Africa we want to see'
Africa No Filter, in partnership with Creative Development, invites Creative Hubs to lead in the delivery of a creative installation or pop-up showcase, workshops and mentorship programmes which address climate action in relevant and refreshing ways. We will support your team with in-person training and a grant of $10,000 to curate a pop-up showcase that will facilitate public engagement and participation ahead of COP 27.
We are looking for:
Creative Hubs in South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Senegal who will lead in facilitating, managing and supporting the development of a physical pop-up showcase or installation. The selected Creative Hub will identify one curator and five artists who will work with them to develop this showcase or installation. Creative Hubs will also be expected to deliver three workshops to the creative community on Climate Change and Art for Activism (training will be provided).
Africa has become the center stage of the global climate crisis as the continent that is not only the hardest hit by climate change, but also perceived to be sleepwalking into a potential climate catastrophe.
We want to harness the power of art and creativity to change the narrative on climate change in Africa and bridge the gap between communities who will most be affected, and policy makers who will determine our climate future.
For nearly three decades the UN has been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits, in 2022 this summit (COP27) will take place in Africa for the first time and Africa No Filter and Creative Development believe that not only has there never been a better time for the continent to find it’s voice in climate discourse, but that creative artists will be the ones to help us find and communicate it.
We need Creative Hubs who will lead in facilitating, managing and supporting the development of a pop-up showcase or creative installation that resemble climate justice in the context of "The Africa We Want To See", featuring work “co-created” with their community and 5 of their communities' most creative, provocative and thoughtful emerging young artists.
Creative Hubs must:
- Identify a creative co-ordinator who will curate the pop up showcase/creative installation
- Plan and execute three workshops to the creative community on art and creativity as a tool for social change. These workshops must have at least 30 participants in attendance.
- Be available for a one week in-person training in July 2022
- Facilitate payments to the selected creative co-ordinator and five participating artists
- Have a physical Hub space where workshops will be hosted
- Have a strong and efficient team of at least three people, who will be committed to this project
Interested Hubs are invited to submit a proposal via PDF answering the following questions:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so it is advised to complete and submit your application before the deadline.
Email Address
Phone Number
Country of Residence (SA, Moz, Egypt, Nigeria and Senegal)
Gender (Man, Woman, Non-Binary)
Name of Hub/Organisation
Role at Hub/Organisation
Hub Location (Physical address)
Website/Social Media Handles
Tell us about you (300 words)
Tell us about your Hub (300 word bio)
Tell us about the team that will work on this project with you.
Please describe your experience with climate change action advocacy and campaigns, if any?
Please describe your experience in mentorship/delivering workshops to creatives?
What is the name of the creative co-ordinator and artists you hope to work with, and why?
Have you worked with the above people before?
Link to their websites, portfolio and/or social media handles
Please share your proposed workshop topics and how you would deliver them
Please share your proposed concept for the creative installation/pop-up showcase
Are you available to travel to Sharm El-Sheik for COP27?
Are you open to other showcasing opportunities ahead of COP27?
Deadline: 28 June 2022 5pm GMT | 6pm WAT | 7pm SAST
Submit your application as a pdf to grants@africanofilter.org with the subject line ‘WE!ARE Campaign 2022’.
Q & A
We define a ‘hub’ as a physical or digital space that hosts and houses creatives, providing capacity building and training opportunities, as well as networking. Hubs must be registered organisations or charities with a clear organisational structure.
Absolutely! Creative Development will deliver a 5-day workshop for all Hub Managers and co-ordinators participating in this campaign, which will ensure you are equipped to deliver a pop-up showcase in your city.
We hope that your team will assist you in delivering workshops to your creative community, as well as helping with the final pop-up showcase and installation. Grants are made to Hubs and not individuals, thus is it important that your team is aware and engaged in this project.
No. We are open to supporting you to foster new working relationships for this project. However, you must be certain that all deliverables can be met
We encourage creative coordinators to be as innovative and practical as possible. Think about the community your showcase will be in and how you can best engage. Some examples:
- A recyclable fashion showcase in the largest slum in Nairobi;
- An outdoor photography exhibition on a beach in Dakar;
- Street murals of climate activists on the streets of Soweto;
- A solar-powered climate-justice film screening in Kinshasa
Please send an email to grants@africanofilter.org with the subject line ‘WE!ARE Campaign 2022’ to discuss this in more detail.